
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Update on ultrasound

This morning I was sent down to Perinatology, where I go every two weeks, for my ultrasound. This is to measure Tre's growth as well as check my cervix for shortening, funneling and beaking. Here are a few articles if you care to read or want a better understanding of what we are going through, Incompetent Cervix and Pre-Term labor . My cervix is measuring 1.6cm but Tre is doing well! He weighs about 3 pounds 10ounces and is measuring 30 weeks 5 days. I am currently 30 weeks  days. As I said in the earlier post we were given steroids for his lungs and a bunch of other meds daily. The FFN shows that I have a 50% chance of delivering in 2 weeks. With my previous uterine anamolie, the contractions and everything the doctors want to make sure I am watched so I am here through the week and possibly longer.
With us living in North County and the hospital in la Jolla I am glad they dont want to send me home. I just wish things were different. I hope I make it to our shower date or farther and I hope things work out!
Tony and I thank you all for all the calls, texts, emails and facebook messages. We truly appreciate each and everyone of you. I am sorry if we do not get back to you all but we want you to know we are grateful for our friends and family through all of this!
We are touring the NICU and speaking with the Neonatologists, ALS nurse and Respiratory therapist this afternoon just to be prepared. We do not anticipate anything happening but we want to be ready IF the time comes.

Feel free to ask questions or email or call!


  1. Chrysta, if you have any questions, feel free to facebook or email me. I had 2 nicu babues, both due to prematurity and they were in the nicu for 14 days.I wish you the best, but know that you are in amazing hands!

  2. Thank you Nikki! I appreciate personal email is Yes I am thankful for being in great hands. The doctors here are amazing!!
