
Friday, June 24, 2011

back to blogging...

I decided to write in this blog again, I figured not everyone on facebook wants to see posts about my cervix and uterus changing! Facebook to me isnt a place to post things like this, so here I am! While I am suppose to be writing my 8 page research paper for my statistics class that ends on Monday, I am sitting here trying to make this blog cute! Today is day 53 of bed rest and tomorrow I am 30 weeks pregnant! These past 53 days have been the hardest days of my life. I know that sounds bad and a lot of people probably think I am lucky because I dont have to work and I can relax. Well I have learned that this is nothing close to relaxing!

On May 3 Tony and I went to what we thought was a normal every two week appointment. Yup I have been going to the Dr.'s every two weeks since we found out we were pregnant. This is because I was considered high risk from the get go due to my history in previous posts. Our ultrasound tech Johanna notice some changes on my cervix. She went to talk to the dr and then he talked with us. Tre is and has been growing right on track and is doing fine but it is my Cervix that is not. The doctor told me that I basically needed to stop working especially since I work in a crazy busy Emergency Room. I was put on bedrest and ordered to take progesterone suppositories, which are pretty nasty if you ask me!
I was like others thinking, this is great im off work this is going to be great! Well I thought wrong. I cant go to the mall, grocery shop, do my own laundry or cook. I was even told I can not hold my cats!!
Fortunately I have found a lot of resources online and community boards with other women in the same boat as me. Not only has this been tough on myself it has been extremely tough on Tony. He is now left to clean, cook, take care of the cats etc. Thank goodness my family is close and have been very helpful as well as some of our friends. Thank you for the grocery trips, dropping off lunch here and there and the calls! I feel bad asking for help but I have come to realize that right now my main focus is to keep Tre cooking least 4 more weeks so I need to make the ask.
Well I must get to that paper!

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