
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hospital day 3

I finally got some rest,even at home i am not sleeping like i need to be! I think the ambien helped a lot! I finally got to sleep at 1145 last night after all me meds and monitoring were done. I was able to finish my homework my  for my 5 week statistics class that is finally over! Breakfast was great a ham and cheese omelette and a naked juice smoothie!
We didnt get to meet with the neonatologist and team yesterday but hope to today just in case. All the nurses and doctors are great so far!
Tomorrow at 11 i have another cervix check, i may get to go home tomorrow night or Friday depending on everything. Which has me scared with the results of the ffn and my cervix being short. we will see what the perinatologist says tomorrow.
Again thank you for everything so far! Thanknyou for the visits yesterday Megan, talbi, mom and dad. Thank you for all the texts, emails, faceebook messages etc.
Crysta and Tony

1 comment:

  1. Hi Crysta,
    Hang in there! I was on a terbutaline pump when I was at home and then on magnesium each time I went into the hospital. I was in the hospital a total of 30 days with the last stint lasting 14 days until I finally delivered Jon. At 26 weeks, they also gave me steriod shots to help develop Jon's lungs in case he delivered early. Many of the high risk doctors told me, high risk babies know they aren't going to last in the mom as long and tend to develop quicker. They didn't have any facts or studies they could show me, but based on my last experience, Jon was healthy and a strong baby though he still ended up being 5 weeks early. I know it's tough, but you can do it! We are thinking about you and praying for you... Stay strong. Love, Annette, Bruce, Steve & Jon Kirscher
