
Monday, January 4, 2010

Just getting used to blogging!

I am not sure how to work this thing! Dont know how to format it like I want.. but I will be posting about our wedding updates as well as doctors appointments.  

I know some of you think im crazy to post but I feel this is the easiest way for me to tell those who want to know what is going on with out having to repeat myself over and over. Also by writing it down I think it will help me deal with it. Yes I know it isnt the end of the world, but it is a big deal. This is a private blog, so dont worry the whole world will not know. This is for close friends, and family to keep updated on our, my status. 

As most of you know I do have a uterine birth defect or a bicornuate uterus; I will post more tomorrow about it. I did see my doctor today and found out a few things that I could possibly have and what tests I will have to go through. 
Im doing great though, just have to take it day by day!  I will post everything tomorrow, but REMEMBER I will post some pictures to explain things so join if you want, 

More tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Crysta this is so awesome what you are doing! Keep your chin up, and stay positive! I wish you both all the best! xoxo
