
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Its been a long few months..

So all of this started in May when we found out we were expecting, our due date then was January 27, 2010. Yup so in 3 weeks were suppose to expect "Baby G #1." After complications off and on through out the first 14 weeks we found out on Aug 4( not sure on date) that we had lost it. We do not know what the sex was or why we lost it. We were told it just happens. I took a month off work and returned, only to find out that a month later  we were expecting again! In the meant time I had switched back to Scripps physicians and found a new doctor. I started having complications again, much like the first time around. I was put out on "rest" to be returning to work on December 30, 2010 hopefully getting out of our 1st trimester. 

My new doctor, I didnt like to start our with. I should of switched! We had been seen every two weeks, saw a heart beat and were told everything was going fine. This doctor as well as ultrasound techs noticed something on my ultrasounds. I was asked in Urgent Care one night if I had two horns? What the heck was two horns, I had never been asked that. The tech kept asking me all these questions and I kept saying no I am fine. The Urgent Care doctor then told me it looked like I had what is called a Bicornuate Uterus, I had no idea what this was. She reassured that many women have this and carry just fine. After seeing my OB and doing research on a bicornuate uterus I decided to elect in the 1st tri-mester screening since I would be able to see the Perinatoligist sooner than I would if I were to wait until my 15th week or so.  So I scheduled the testing of neck thickening on the baby, which does no harm to the baby just a more in depth ultrasound. I did this so I could ask questions about my so called birth defect. 
December 18 Tony and I went to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, we were expecting to get some answers and see our baby maybe even find out the sex, since the ultrasound is that good. We were suppose to be 13-14 weeks, when the ultra sound tech asked me when my last ultra sound was...I knew thins weren't right. Sure enough we had lost it, the Perinatologist came in and double checked. After I tried to settle down she brought us in and talked to us. With out more tests and exams she wasn't able to tell us everything right then and there. She did say I definitely have a uterine birth defect, which she thinks is why I miscarried two times. She said I would have to go through blood tests and a few other xrays in order to find out exactly what was going on and possible a surgery down the road. I first had to have another D&C for what was going on that day. After I recover from this procedure I will be able to start testing... Ill post another blog in a bit about what happened yesterday at the doctors! Im off to the gym or a run for now in this lovely weather we are having in San Diego! 

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