
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Been a long week....

January 27 was our first due date, I wasn't sure how the week was going to go. It definitely started out crazy. I worked Mon-Wed 12 hours, Monday morning the lady who cleans the rooms on our floor asked me to do something and I for once said no. I know she doesn't understand and probably didn't know we lost two babies this past year and she didn't know it was our due date this week. But she asked me to create a flyer on the computer for her daughters baby shower. That was Monday morning, work was crazy busy which was good kept my mind off things.
Work was busy those 3 days and I was exhausted emotionally as well as physically.I am upset I missed a good friends CD Release party at the Belly Up in San Diego, it was Wednesday. I really hope she isnt upset, just wasnt a good week. She is an amazing person and starting to do well in the music industry.
February 10 can not come soon enough, actually February 17! The 10th is our MRI and the 17 is the follow up with the Dr..
Im glad the week is over, I need to focus on Relay and the wedding!

203 days until the big day!We are registering today finally! I cant believe Rachel Ray doesnt have a registry or her stuff in stores that do!
I hope everyone had a good week and weekend!

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